Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Rain, Rain, Go AWAY!!

Hi Class,

Wow! Aren't you lucky - a THREE Day Weekend!! I don't like the rain, though. It's time for snow now that Christmas is on its way.

Here's some things you can work on over your long weekend:

1) Math - Use one of my ANGLE FINDERS to help you find some angles around your home that are acute, obtuse, right, straight and reflex. Just record your findings in your PLANNER or on a piece of paper and bring it in on Monday.

2) English - I think a lot of you indicated that you wanted to have your MRS. A. Letter in to me by the end November in your GOAL SHEET. If you haven't done so already, be sure to do so by Monday. You could also work on your Vocabulary. DON'T FORGET that WEDNESDAY is Spelling Day, so get your Spelling #12 done ahead of time.

3) YEARBOOKS - Your November Yearbook pages are due Monday! Sarah and I can't wait to see your entries!

4) Next Tuesday, we're going to see a Professional Dance Performance at Show Place. I can't wait!!

5) Don't forget about all your FRENCH CAFE preparations!

See you Monday,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Sorry, folks!

Hi Class,

Sorry I didn't blog last night, but I had interviews right after school till about 6:00 ish and then I headed home. It completely slipped my mind until this morning.

So, I guess I'll just "blog" out and see you today in class.

Mrs. A.

Sorry, folks!

Hi Class,

Sorry I didn't blog last night, but I had interviews right after school till about 6:00 ish and then I headed home. It completely slipped my mind until this morning.

So, I guess I'll just "blog" out and see you today in class.

Mrs. A.

Sorry, folks!

Hi Class,

Sorry I didn't blog last night, but I had interviews right after school till about 6:00 ish and then I headed home. It completely slipped my mind until this morning.

So, I guess I'll just "blog" out and see you today in class.

Mrs. A.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Report Card Day!

Hi Class,

Wow! It's hard to believe it's already Report Card Day for first term and that you're already working on your second term's report!

Here's a quick homework update:

1) Bring back your third page of your report card as soon as possible.

2) Maybe work on your "Invertebrates" Research Activities for Science.

3) Read and work on your vocabulary if you want for English.

4) WEDNESDAY is Spelling Day! Don't leave it till Tuesday night!

5) Draw a picture of North Cavan School for our "Animal" fundraising calendar for Wednesday.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Friday, November 24, 2006

A Night in Terror Tower

Hi Class,

I sure wouldn't want to spend a "Night in Terror Tower". It was really interesting to watch that GOOSEBUMPS story on video after having listened to it on tape.

Hope you all have a nice, SUNNY Weekend.

Here's your homework update:

1) Math - Unit 4: Lessons 8 & 9 (All Parts) due Monday.

2) WEDNESDAY is Spelling Day, so don't leave #11 till Tuesday night.

3) Get a head start on your November Yearbooks and work on your November pages. They are due Dec. 4th.

See you Monday,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Hi Class,

Wow! It was so great to see the sunshine and see its warmth. It was so great that we did our Warm Up and Cool Down for our WHOLE SCHOOL 20 Minute Work Out to "I Can See Clearly Now the Rain has Gone!"

Here's your homework update:

1) Math - Complete Unit 4: Lessons 8 & 9 (ALL PARTS) by Monday.

2) As always don't forget that WEDNESDAY IS SPELLING DAY (#11).

3) Outstanding Internet Forms and $1 Additional Bus Money, please bring them in a.s.a.p.

4) Do any preparations for French Cafe.


See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Almost all SIGNED Work in!! Yay!!

Hi Class,

Wow! Only 4 people left who need to get their name cleared off the "Incomplete" Board from Monday. Yay!!

Don't let it get behind like this again - AAHHHH!

Here's your homework update:

1) Math - Unit 4: Student Lesson 7, Multiplying Decimals x10, x100, x1000, x10 000

2) Some of you need to get your Internet forms in still and a few people need to bring in the extra $1 we needed just to cover our bus costs from last Thursday and Friday.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Run Run Rudolph!!!

Hi class,

Sarah here! The Falcons did a great job today with their fun Christmas dance to "Run Run Rudolph." It seemed like everybody had a great time playing their air guitars! Every group will get a chance to make up their own Christmas dance. The Pandas are up next! Just a couple reminders:


2) For math, M6 pg. 240-241 # 1-6, 8 PNW, 9 PS Model

3) Spelling # 10 tomorrow

4) Remember to get everything ready for your French café coming up!

Have a good night and I'll see you tomorrow,


Monday, November 20, 2006

Laurie Lawson Centre was AWESOME!!

Hi Class,

Well, the verdict is in...LAURIE LAWSON CENTRE was AWESOME!!!

DAY 1: We had a great time using a classification key (a wheel instead of a tree diagram) to identify coniferous trees. Then, after looking at some amazing living organisms (invertebrates) from the pond and river under a microscope, we used a tree diagram to identify them.

DAY 2: "The Fur Trade Game was so much fun!" everyone said. It will be great to get into it more when we start our Social Studies Unit on the Early European Explorers and Aboriginal People.

The main focus for homework tonight is to get any math tests, science test and any other items that need to be reviewed by your parents and signed done and brought back to school.


The only other homework that needs to be completed is in math. Complete your WHALE WATCHING EQAO Measurement Problem.


See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A. & Sarah

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Laurie Lawson Centre - TOMORROW!

Hi Class,

Sorry I haven't updated our class blog for a couple of days. I've been fighting some sort of infection so have been resting as much as I can. Anyway, tomorrow and Friday are pretty exciting for everyone. I hope I'll be able to make it both days, but if I can't I know you'll all have an awesome time!! Mrs. Cooper would go in my place and Mr. D. is going, so are Sarah and Lauren. Keegan's dad, Carly's dad and Dylan's mom will be joining us too on one or both days, so there will be lots of help.

Basically, your homework update over the next couple of nights are to:

1) Finish up your Reading Workshop for Friday.

2) Bring in any donations for the "Operation Christmas Child" boxes.

3) Use the checklist to make sure you are prepared for THE LAURIE LAWSON OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTRE!!! Yay!!

4) Get a good night's sleep.

5) Have pleasant dreams!!

Mrs. A.

Friday, November 10, 2006

We Will Remember!

Hi Class,

What a moving Remembrance Day Assemby Ms. Barry and the Grade 5 Class put on for the whole school today. I know it left us all with so much to think about and be thankful for......

We WILL Remember!!!

In terms of our own Grade 6 updates...HERE THEY ARE:

1) MATH - The Measurement Test is Monday and we spent the beginning of this week converting metric units. Then, we puzzled around with some problems involving metric conversion. So, this weekend be sure to review the skill of converting metric units and, using PICTURES, NUMBERS AND WORDS, as thoroughly as you can complete those problems - most of them are problems from past Grade 6 EQAOs.

2) MATH - You've also been given back the ROUNDING/ESTIMATING problem from your Number Sense & Numeration Test with an extra blank copy of the PROBLEM SOLVING MODEL, which is really a Graphic Organizer to help you show all your work using PICTURES, NUMBERS & WORDS. In addition, you have a copy of the EQAO Problem I based the question on showing samples of a Level 1, 2, 3, & 4 from Grade 6 students just like you. Be sure to look over the different student samples to see what each level looks like or includes. Think about the differences between the levels. Then, look at the Test problem again and using the PROBLEM SOLVING MODEL solve the problem or improve your response or try it again.

3) SCIENCE - Make sure your NOTEBOOKS are in good order and study for the SCIENCE TEST on Wednesday.

4) ENGLISH - As always, WEDNESDAY is SPELLING DAY! Also, some of you took home some of the Workshop Activities, but you will have inclass time on Monday and Tuesday.

5) FRENCH - Looks like you have some French homework too. AVOIR Sheet and Test on Monday.


Have a good weekend!! See you Monday!!

Mrs. A.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Two Days!! Laurie Lawson Centre!! Yay!!

Hi Class,

Well, it looks like we're going to be able to go to the Laurie Lawson Centre on Thursday and Friday next week! Isn't that AWESOME!!! On Thursday, we're going to do some microscope work with creatures from the river water and low lying waters around the Centre. INVERTEBRATES HERE WE COME!!! As well as classifying those creatures, we're going to be doing some Tree Classifications too! Then, on Friday, we're going back to the Centre to play the Fur Trade Game! It will warm us up for our Social Studies unit next term on Early European Explorers and Aboriginal Peoples. Thanks to Keegan's dad, Carly's dad, Dylan's mom, Mr. D., and our two Co-op students, we're going to have lots of help. So, as soon as I finish this BLOG, I'm going to e-mail Mr. Rupke, the Naturalist at the Laurie Lawson Centre, to confirm that we can come on both days. I'm so excited.

We still have some very important work to finish up before we go, so let's work hard this weekend and the beginning of next week, and then we can "play" hard at the Laurie Lawson Centre at the end of next week.

Here's your homework update:

1) Use PICTURES, NUMBERS AND WORDS and the COMMUNICATION Rubric in your math workbook to complete the two problem sheets related to metric conversions: "Tina's Backpack" Problem and "Prove Your Answer" Problems.

2) Keep working on your Science Notebooks and keep reviewing for next week's test. Make sure your VERTEBRATES Research Chart is complete by tomorrow.

3) For those of you having to rewrite your letter, make sure it's ready for tomorrow too. I'll be working on your English report card marks this weekend and I know you all want to make improvements from your first letter.

4) Tomorrow is the last day for the SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS.

5) Think about things you can bring in for our OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD boxes and bring them in. We have to return the boxes by next Friday.

6) Do you have some French to do?

7) Come prepared for a serious day tomorrow as we honour and remember those Canadians who have lost their lives for our Country - REMEMBRANCE DAY. (Note: You will receive a poppy before our Assembly tomorrow.)

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Bus Evacuation Drill Today!

Hi Class,

Well, we're all definitely a lot safer now because we got the chance to review bus safety. Well done!

Here are your homework highlights:

1) If you didn't complete all your metric conversion work from last night, be sure to do so tonight, as we went over it again today in class. Don't forget that the measurement test has been postponed till Monday because you needed some extra time reviewing metric conversions today.

2) I have now received everyone's SETTING letter and only have a couple to return. Many of you, however, need to rewrite your letter to me by Friday. Make sure you read my comments carefully and make the necessary improvements. It is also extremely important to use the student sample letters we've gone over a few times in class. They are on green paper and are in your English Binder. Moreover, the letter paper outlines the FOCUS on the top of the page. Read and re-read it to make sure you're writing about what you've been asked to write about.

3) Don't forget about your Science NOTEBOOKS and the Expectations that all your parents signed at the beginning of the year. You will be handing in your NOTEBOOKS for marking on the day of your Science Test, which has been moved forward to next Wednesday.

4) I know you have some French to do, so make sure you're keeping on top of that.

5) Finally, don't forget that we may be able to go to Laurie Lawson Centre for 2 days next week -Thursday and Friday. I'll let you know for sure as soon as possible.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

20 Minute Workout Was Awesome Today!!!

Hi class,

Sarah here! Mrs. A had to go to a staff meeting right away so I'm going to update you on the homework. Before I do, I just want to let you know that you guys did a great job with your 20 minute workout today!! Now here's an update on your homework,

1) Metric Conversions Worksheets (All Pages)

2) Spelling #8 due tomorrow

3) Improve your Setting Letters for Friday

4) Science Notebooks & Test next week...don't forget!!!

5) You have some French work to do for tomorrow

6) Sub Orders due tomorrow! Yum!

7) To all you bookworms, the book orders are due November 10th.

There's everything you have to do for homework, so make sure you do some tonight! I won't be here tomorrow but I will see you guys on Thursday. Have a good night!!!


Monday, November 06, 2006

Double D. A. R. E.

Hi Class,

Wow! We got to have D. A. R. E. class with Constable Dawson two school days in a row - Friday and Monday! You are definitely going to be well informed to make good choices for yourselves in terms of drugs. There are a number of loose ends that need to be tied up in terms of the returning of reviewed and signed work. The following list does not apply to everyone, but use it as a checklist to make sure you've got everything up to date:
  • Building Houses Patterning work and Place Value Skills Test
  • Problem Solving Model work from M6 Math Text - page 34, #2
  • September Reading Workshop
  • Oct. 31st Class Newsletter slip
  • Internet Form
  • October Yearbook pages
  • Friday's Sub Sandwich Day form

Now, here is your homework update:

1) Complete Metric Conversion Worksheet for tomorrow

2) Work on Science NOTEBOOK!!

3) WEDNESDAY is Spelling #8 Day

4) I think you've got some French work too!!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Let it Snow! Let it Snow! Let it Snow!

Hi Class,

Good job on the snowflakes most of you made in celebration of the first "real" snowfall! I'm going to be very brief today as all you really have due is your October Yearbook pages. You almost can't even call that homework!! Have fun showing the best of YOU in OCTOBER!

See you Monday,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Lollipop! Lollipop! Oh, Lolli, Lollipop!

Hi Class,

Great job leading the whole school in the 20 Minute Work Out today, Penguins and Wild Cats!! Monster Mash! Macarena! Lollipop! Way to go!

So, here's your homework update:

1) Do "Student Lesson #3" with someone at home as a way to study for tomorrow's Math Test. Review all the Place Value work we've done over the past month - Unit 2 : Lessons 1, 2 & 3 and Unit 4 : Lessons 1, 2, 3 & 4.

2) If you haven't already written your SETTING Letter to me, please be sure to do so for tomorrow. Use the student samples and the focus outlined at the top of the page to help you.

3) You have some items that need to be reviewed and signed by your parents: Building Houses and last Skills Math Test, Problem Solving Model for #2, page 34 in your Math Text and your September Reading Workshop.

4) October Yearbook pages are due on Monday, but we will make sure you've got all the things you need tomorrow.

See you then,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Hi Class,

You all did an awesome job on Tuesday!! The best Halloween Spirit Day ever!! I was excited to see some of you when you came Trick or Treating at my house. Unfortunately, I didn't feel very well when I woke up today, but I'm hoping I'll feel better tomorrow. Anyway, I thought I'd write a short blog just to keep things up to date.

So, ...

1) I guess you've moved onto Spelling #8 for next WEDNESDAY'S SPELLING DAY.

2) I think Ms. Carter was giving you some more math practice working with decimals - standard form, word form and expanded form and even a little comparing. Math Test has been moved from tomorrow to Friday, so an extra day to review all your place value work.

3) You got an extra day to finish up your Science READING and answering questions, "The Five Kingdoms". Make sure it's complete by tomorrow.

4) The next focus is our October/November Reading Workshop - particularly your Mrs. A. letter.

5) Well, that's all I can think of off the top of my groggy head.

Hope to see you tomorrow.

Mrs. A.

P. S. Once again, AWESOME JOB TUESDAY!!!