Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hey, Earthlings! Anyone out there?

Hi Class,

Well, I know it's been a little while since I've BLOGGED you all, but I was starting to notice that not that many people have been checking our BLOG SPOT. I decided to write one today, as Gordon was away yesterday and today, and so I thought I better BLOG today for him so he can keep up with his work.

Here's our class homework update:

1) MATH - After working on our FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, PERCENTS Skills "package", this week we've been trying to put them to work through some problems. So, we've been working on a related PROBLEM SOLVING "package". (It's on the top of your desk, Gordon.)

2) SCIENCE - The PLANET Research Project due date has now been extended one more day. Instead of being due on Thursday, it is now due on Friday, June 1st. (I hope you have all those materials at home, Gordon. If not, perhaps your sister or someone from your family can pick it up.) NO MORE LATES are allowed as your REPORT CARDS are being written right now!

3) Don't forget about SOCIAL STUDIES - Your COUNTRY "fill in the blank" RESEARCH Project is due June 12th. NO LATES allowed for this one either, unless you want to go to school in July - Ha! Ha!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.


Blogger Christa said...

Mrs. Assing,

I hope you are enjoying your summer vacation! It's been beautiful weather so far.

This is Marissa's mom writing you about our previous conversation regarding an upcoming appointment for Marissa. The appointment has been scheduled for a day in August. I would really like to speak to you. Since I was unsuccessful in reaching you through the school, please email me at for further information. Much appreciated.

Best Regards,


10:54 AM  
Blogger AmazingAngel said...

HI MRS.A!!!!!im in gr.8 now and i was bored so i decided to write a message!!ohh yeah, ITS RIKKI!!!HEEHEE!!!i know you dont go on this anymore,,obviously.BUT HI ANYWAY!!!!!!:)=)XD

9:14 AM  
Blogger AmazingAngel said...

Ummm.... By the way, this isn't Rikki's it Kaylee's. Hope your good.

9:15 AM  

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