Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Monday, April 30, 2007

BB's Poster Contest Began Today!!

Hi Class,

What CARING SPIRIT you have, Grade 6s. Some students have already bought their POSTER PAPER for the Poster Contest/Raffle. Lots of prizes up for grabs!!

Here's your homework update:

ENGLISH - Finish up any Response Letters and other Workshop activities.

SCIENCE - Keep those CREATIVE JUICES flowing with regards to your CANADIAN CREATIONS TOY CO. toys/puppets!!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Toy Making! Yay!

Hi Class,

Be sure to read over your "Canadian Creations Toy Co." letter again. Be sure to highlight important information! Read over the RUBRIC carefully too! Highlight the levels you'd like to attain each step of the TOY MAKING PROCESS.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

P.S. Don't forget that tomorrow is SPELLING DAY.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Celebrate the EARTH!!

Hi Class,

As we saw from today's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth", we need to do whatever we can to help our EARTH heal. Turn off lights. Plant a tree. Ride a bike, when you can, and so on...

For homework tonight, be sure to finish up your reflections about today's movie, "An Inconvenient Truth". Then, there are just a few people who have some outstanding assignments due. Finally, don't forget that Wednesday is SPELLING DAY!!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

How Persuasive are YOU?

Hi Class,

Wow! It was great having Ms. Kash in yesterday to record our "Healthy Food" Advertisements. She told me they were well written and very persuasive! I can't wait to hear them!

Here's your homework update:

MartH - For those of you who are not quite finished your 3-D "Voyage to Mars" pictures, finish them up this weekend.

SCIENCE - Complete #1-5, "Forces and Machines: Communicate" on pages 9-11 in your ST6 book.

Have a good weekend!

See you Monday,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Are you keeping up with your work?

Hi Class,

We have a number of people in the APP Group. It would really be great to see some more join that group in preparation for next year. Be sure to ask questions, catch up from others, come in off the bus for a little extra help, etc... Keep learning how to help yourself. It's one of the most important lessons in life!

Here's your homework update:

ENGLISH - Keep working away at Spelling #21 for next Wednesday.

MATH - Finish up today's "Transformation" WORK.

SCIENCE - You could get a bit ahead and finish classifying your examples of motion into the four types of motion outlined in your Science book.

Any unfinished, unsigned work is still outstanding for a few people. YEARBOOKS are now 4 days late, unless you have a WORK OFF COUPON that you've negotiated with me.


Mrs. A.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Shake! Shake! Shake!

Hi Class,

Well, we had our first COPS FOR CANCER MILK SHAKE DAY today, and for the most part it went well. There were a few order problems, but everyone managed to get a milkshake. We'll make some improvements for next time, but all in all, not too bad for the first time. Next up ... JUICE/POPCORN/MOVIE NIGHT! Can't wait!

Here's your homework update:

ENGLISH - Next Wednesday is Spelling Day, but don't leave it till then, start now and do a bit each night.

MATH - Complete COORDINATE/TRANSFORMATION Activity Sheets for tomorrow.

SCIENCE - If you didn't finish ST6 pages 2-3, #1-3 in class, be sure to do so by tomorrow too.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Shake Day Tomorrow!

Hi Class,

Our COPS FOR CANCER Campaign is definitely well on its way. GUM DAY #1 was a great success and now tomorrow is our first SHAKE DAY! It sure it fun to help others!!! (And YUMMY too!)

Here's your homework update:

ENGLISH - Tomorrow is Wednesday - SPELLING #20 DAY!

MATH - Complete the first three pages of the "Getting Ready for Motion Geometry: Transformations" - slides and flips only - for tomorrow.

Well, we didn't get time to actually mark our March Yearbooks today, so those of you who are late, make sure it's in by tomorrow. TWO MARKS PER DAY!!

Don't forget that some of you still have CLASS NEWSLETTER SLIPS still to return from last week.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Gum Day Tomorrow!!

Hi Class,

Tomorrow is our first COPS FOR CANCER Activity - GUM DAY!! Don't forget your $1.00!

Here's your homework update:

MATH - Dividing Decimals: Try to complete pages 156-157, #1,2,4,5,6,7

ENGLISH - Get Setting Snippets signed and April GOAL SHEET

Don't forget to get your CLASS NEWSLETTER SLIPS signed too!!!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Technical Difficulties!

Hi Class,

I've been having difficulty with our blogspot today and yesterday. It may actually be my internet connection. I'm not totally sure, but I would like to get this homework update down quickly before I lose contact again. Here it goes...

1) ENGLISH - Get Setting Snippet's signed and GOAL SHEETS completed and signed. Don't forget that we're starting up Spelling again every Wednesday. We had a WINTER BREAK, so it's time to SPRING back into SPELLING ACTION!!

2) MATH - Dividing decimals: page 153-154, #1 to 7

3) SCIENCE - Duotangs are to be ready for marking, as we need to start our next unit on MOTION.

4) HEALTH ASSIGNMENTS are now 2 days overdue, unless you had a WEEK OFF coupon.

5) Get your CLASS NEWSLETTER slips signed and returned.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.