Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Science Test is Thursday!

Hi Class,

I hope you've been studying! Here's your homework update:

1) SCIENCE - Make sure your Science notes are up to date, meeting all the requirements on the Notebook Expectations sheet you reviewed with your parents and they signed in September. "Electricity" Unit SCIENCE TEST is Thursday. (Floor hockey players will write it right away on Friday morning.)

2) MATH - Be sure to complete M6 pages 170 - 171, #1-5 and REFLECT.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Historical Courtrooms!!

Hi Class,

Just a quick blog to remind you to get all your "evidence" and "costumes" and anything else you need for our Historical Court Cases tomorrow. I'm so excited!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

P. S. I'm so excited to hear about how Carly and Dylan did at the Legion Speaking Contest too!!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Great DRAMA Work Today!

Hi Class,

Great Tableaux Work today! I'm so excited to see the HISTORICAL COURTROOM CASES come to life. Role playing is so much fun. When you "walk in the shoes" of another person, you can really let go of the world around you (e.g. the classroom, the gym, the school, etc.) and just BE someone else for a little while and LIVE somewhere else for a little while!

Here's your homework update:

1) MATH - Do as much of the "Multiplying by Powers of 10" work as you need to to make sure you have the pattern and can do it mentally. This is review work from the Fall. You just have to jog your memories again. The TEST tomorrow with have some of those types of questions, as well as some ORDER OF OPERATIONS, ROUNDING TO ESTIMATE, ADDITION & SUBTRACTION OF WHOLE NUMBERS AND DECIMALS, and SOME PROBLEMS TO SOLVE involving number work. Review what we've done over the last few weeks. Try a few questions as a way of studying.

2) SCIENCE - Keep reviewing and updating notes. Electricity TEST is next week.

3) DRAMA - Watch a "Court" TV show to get a better idea of how a Court Case works. It'll help you with your preparations for our Historical Court Cases on Monday.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Speech Day!l

Hi Class,

Well, Dylan, Carly, Kayla and Rikki definitely represented our class very well today at the whole school SPEAK OFF. Good Luck, Girls! Results are being announced tomorrow!

Here's your homework update:

1) MATH - Complete the "Adding and Subtracting Decimals" Sheet.

2) SCIENCE - Update your notes and study the few questions given to you today that will be on the TEST next week.

3) CATCH-UPS - There are some students who still have some work not complete for the following things: Energy Summary, Electricity Summary, Theme Letters, ...

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Hi Class,

Wow! I think that both our trips turned out just FANTASTIC! We learned alot and had a great time while doing it! Thanks again to all parents who helped make both trips such a success. Now we have the Toronto TRIP to look forward to! Can't wait! So, I guess it's back to WORK HARD, and then PLAY HARD in June!!

Here's your homework update:

1) MATH - Complete the REVIEW sheet on Estimating SUMS AND DIFFERENCES of Decimals. Keep practising your multiplication/division facts!!

2) SCIENCE - Keep your notes in good order and up to date. We will be marking them at the end of the ELECTRICITY UNIT!!

3) CATCH-UPS - A number of different students have some items that must be completed and submitted by the end of this week if they plan to have them included in their Term 2 Report Marks. These items include: Energy and/or Electricity Summaries, Theme Letters, Multiples Problem. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! Remember, if you are absent, it's up to you to catch up on what you've missed. You can't use it as an excuse. This is a LEARNING/LIFE SKILL that is important to your success in school and out of school. Some students have a couple TESTS to catch up on, but those have to be done in class.

4) A few of you are presenting your Speeches tomorrow. I know you're preparing tonight! Good Luck!!

5) If you don't have much homework tonight, remember, you can always READ, READ, READ!!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Two Days Till Canoe Museum Sleepover!

Hi Class,

Seven people were away today - SNOWED IN MAYBE?! Anyway, there's only 2 days until we go for our SLEEPOVER Trip to the Canoe Museum!! Yay! Tomorrow, you will staple into your PLANNER a final reminder note of all the things you need to have for that trip and for our Cross-Country Skiing Trip to Warsaw Monday.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Most RESEARCH Projects are IN!!!

Yay, CLASS...

Most RESEARCH PROJECTS are done! Way to go!

Some of you still have to finish up, but for most of you, tonight you just have some MATH to do (A little more "Order of Operations" REVIEW/PRACTISE) and your SPEECH - PRACTISE! PRACTISE! PRACTISE!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Monday, February 12, 2007


Hi Class,

Tomorrow is the big day!! Your English/Social Studies Research Project is due tomorrow!! Refer to your TASK ANALYSIS SHEET and the EVALUATION SHEET on the back and the RUBRICS. Also use the GUIDELINES and STUDENT SAMPLE WORK you've been given. You will have 1 1/2 hours in class tomorrow morning to do your final TOUCH-UPS and ASSEMBLY and then all you have to do is hand it in with all the RESEARCH PROCESS you've worked on over the last month inside your RESEARCH FOLDER!!! Yay!!!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Wow!! Research Projects are Almost Done!

Hi Class,

Well, almost everyone in the class managed to write their rough paragraph DRAFTS for the BODY of their Social Studies Research. Some people even managed to do some REVISING and EDITING today. So, you have now been allowed to take home your RESEARCH FOLDERS. Here are some of the things you can do over the weekend in preparation for Monday's Research Process English Session:
  1. Do some more REVISING by reading your paragraphs to your parents, siblings, other family members or friends, asking them for suggestions to improve things like: WORD CHOICE, PARAGRAPH ORGANIZATION, SENTENCE VARIETY, and so on.
  2. Do some more EDITING on your rough drafts, checking for: SPELLING, CAPITALIZATION, COMMAS, PERIODS, and so on.
  3. Remember that if you did your rough drafts on the computer at school, all you'll have to do on Monday is go back in and make your changes and corrections. If you did your rough drafts in your WRITER'S NOTEBOOK, go ahead a type out your good copy on your computer at home or write it in your best handwriting using blue or black pen.
  4. You could set up or do your Bibliography in good copy.
  5. You could improve any pictures, diagrams, charts, maps, etc. Don't forget to consider the captions you are going to include with each illustration or graphic.
  6. You could do your TITLE PAGE.
  7. You could do your COVER. Set it up the same was as you do for your Workshops.

JUST REMEMBER to use the RUBRICS included in your Research Folder and the SAMPLE WORK as guides to help you. On Monday, you will be writing an INTRODUCTION PARAGRAPH and a CONCLUDING PARAGRAPH, then the ASSEMBLY will begin. By the end of Tuesday, you will have a complete, professional FINAL Non-Fiction REPORT ready to submit and be proud of.

The other BIG FOCUS for the weekend will be your SPEECH. Most of you were smart enough to write back in January, so all you're doing is practising it. You will not be presenting it until Thursday or Friday.

So, while you're busy with your homework, I'll be busy finishing marking your ENERGY Summaries and ELECTRICITY Summaries. Maybe I'll start writing some Report Card Learning Skills too. Hmmm, who's should I start with first? I'll never tell - HA! HA! HA!

See you Monday,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Excellent Paragraph Writing Sessions Today!!

Hi Class,

Wow!! Everyone worked really hard on their Rough Draft Research PARAGRAPHS! Way to go!!

Here's a quick homework update:

1) MATH - Complete questions 1 & 2 on your "Order of Operations" Sheet and keep practising your multiplication facts!!

2) Trip Forms are officially due tomorrow. Please try to get them in as soon as possible. They are coming quickly!! Can't wait!!!

3) Other things you might want to spend some time are include:
  • Working on your Speech
  • Continuing to draw pictures, colour maps, do title page, etc. for your Social Studies Project
  • Reviewing any French homework for Mlle. Elmhirst
  • Reading

Don't worry about the "Electricity" Summary. We will be spending some more time on it tomorrow. You've done alot of the work already on your FLOW CHART, where you have identified the main idea or focus of each paragraph and have highlighted and recorded the supporting information for each paragraph. Tomorrow you will write your SUMMARY of this article, "Electricity", in class.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Excellent Paragraph Writing Sessions Today!!

Hi Class,

Wow!! Everyone worked really hard on their Rough Draft Research PARAGRAPHS! Way to go!!

Here's a quick homework update:

1) MATH - Complete questions 1 & 2 on your "Order of Operations" Sheet and keep practising your multiplication facts!!

2) Trip Forms are officially due tomorrow. Please try to get them in as soon as possible. They are coming quickly!! Can't wait!!!

3) Other things you might want to spend some time are include:
  • Working on your Speech
  • Continuing to draw pictures, colour maps, do title page, etc. for your Social Studies Project
  • Reviewing any French homework for Mlle. Elmhirst
  • Reading

Don't worry about the "Electricity" Summary. We will be spending some more time on it tomorrow. You've done alot of the work already on your FLOW CHART, where you have identified the main idea or focus of each paragraph and have highlighted and recorded the supporting information for each paragraph. Tomorrow you will write your SUMMARY of this article, "Electricity", in class.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

CASI Assessment Today!

Hi Class,

I was very proud of all of you today! You really worked hard on your Reading CASI Assessment! Emma's Speech was great too!

Here's your homework update:

1) ENGLISH / SCIENCE - Be sure to complete your FLOW CHART OR WEB for your Non-Fiction Article called "Electricity" for tomorrow. Read over the "Summary Report" RUBRIC with your parents too.

2) MATH - Complete your "Mental Math" Sheet for tomorrow.

3) SPEECHES are next week! It was great hearing Emma's Speech today, as you will be presenting yours sometime next week. You've now had almost a month to prepare, so I'm sure they are in as great a shape as Emma's was!! Hope your didn't leave it till the last minute!!

4) Don't forget about all those TRIP FORMS too!!

5) There are a couple people who still haven't gotten their GOAL SHEETS signed by their parents either. Be sure to get that done!

See you tomorrow all you BUSY and IMPORTANT PEOPLE!!!!!'

Mrs. A.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Hi Class,

Well, it definitely feels like winter today.

You all worked very hard today! I'm very proud of you. Keep up the good work, as we still have a great deal to do over the next few weeks. Just remember, though, that it'll be worth it in the long run. WORK HARD!! PLAY HARD!!

Here's your homework update:

1) ENGLISH / SOCIAL STUDIES - Be sure to finish up all your maps, pictures, drawings, diagrams, charts, etc. - whatever you want to include in your Non-Fiction Research Report, as they are due for marking tomorrow. Also, don't forget that GOAL SHEETS need to be completed, reviewed and signed!

2) MATH - Use the PROBLEM SOLVING MODEL / GRAPHIC ORGANIZER to show your solution to the "Multiples" problem on page 44, #5 in your Math Text. Keep striving for a Level 3 or 4 solution!! Practise your times tables whenever you get the chance too!

3) Emma is going to be presenting her SPEECH on Wednesday, as she is going to be away during our ORAL PRESENTATION / SPEECH Week, but I hope you've got yours in good shape for next week. You have had almost a month to prepare. I sure hope you didn't procrastinate and leave it till the last minute!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

P.S. Don't forget that you don't have SPELLING to do for the month of February so that you can really focus on all your other school assignments.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

What a Cold Weekend!!

Hi Class,

Just a quick review of what you need to be prepared for tomorrow:

1) ENGLISH / SOCIAL STUDIES - How are those pictures, drawings, charts, maps, captions, etc. going for your Research Project? Due date is Tuesday!

2) Hope you've been practising your 2x and 3x tables and that you've completed and reviewed your number work on MULTIPLES, FACTORS, PRIME & COMPOSITE NUMBERS - Quiz Tomorrow!!

3) Maybe you had a chance to identify the main point / focus of the other 3 paragraphs in your "Electricity" Article and were able to highlight and record supporting information for each on your FLOW CHART. If you didn't, you'll have some time in the afternoon to do so.

4) We'll try to fit in our Health: Growth and Maturation "Parts" Test tomorrow too!

5) Get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow and the month of February is going to be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!

Your Teacher,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Maps, Pictures, Drawings!

Hi Class,

Wow! We certainly have been very busy lately. It's hard to believe that report cards are coming up again. So much to do ... So little time!

Here's your homework update for your long weekend:

1) MATH - Make sure you've completed your "Multiples and Factors" work from this week thoroughly, using proper mathematical format. Monday you will have a QUIZ on what you did this week. Practise your 2x and 3x tables. Review the Divisibility Rules. The better you know your tables, the better you'll feel about MATH.

2) ENGLISH - Complete your GOAL SHEET and use your DUE DATE Calendar in your Planner to keep track of your assignments over the next month.

3) SOCIAL STUDIES - Complete your MAPS, PICTURES, DRAWINGS, etc. for your Research Project.

4) Keep preparing for your Speeches.

5) If you have time, work on your "Electricity" Article Flow Chart. We will spend time in class on it, but if you have time, you could do some at home.

Alot of us have been away with illness lately, so catching up on missed work does take extra time. I'll be doing the same thing this weekend.

Let's keep supporting each other and we'll get through it together!

Mrs. A.