Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Edit Mrs. A.'s Blog!

Hi Class,

Me, again! I did spell check my "blog" to you and then I published it, but then I went to read it over again on the website and caught a few errors. Did you catch them too? If you did, "blog" me and tell me about them. Maybe there will be a "treat" for those who can find them all - Ha! Ha! Ha!

See you at the Festival or on Monday!

Mrs. A.

Everyone ran for TERRY!!

Hi Class,

Well, I have to say that I was really impressed with how committed you were to those number patterns on you Math Test today. Everyone worked hard using their calculator to help them figure out all those patterns. A few people finished in the time we had today, but don't worry those who needed more time will be able to finish up on Monday.

Sorry I wasn't able to participate in your Terry Fox walking today as I had to go to that meeting with Mrs. Caravaggio, Mrs. Cooper and Mrs. Goudie-Ghey in the Resource Room, but you know I did 10 km for Terry with Carly on Sept. 17th so I hope that's okay with everyone. I did have a note on my desk from Sarah telling me that everyone did a great job, so WAY TO GO, Grade 6s!!!

Okay, so tomorrow is a P. A. Day, which is Friday, which is usually our ART DAY, which means no art time together, which means you'll have to go it alone or with family and friends... You know what I'm talking about. Get those AWESOME Yearbook Covers done for Monday. That's your biggest weekend homework.

Other homework items to keep in mind:

1) Spelling is WEDNESDAY, so don't leave it all till the night before!

2) Some of you are ready to write FRIEND letters, so go ahead, if you want.

3) How are those Vocabulary words coming?

4) Make up some number patterns or have some else make some up for you and see you can solve them. This way you'll keep your math thinking fresh for Monday when you finish up your math tests.

5) Come to the FALL FESTIVAL!!

Have a great weekend,

Mrs. A.

P. S. Thanks for the blog, Marissa! I was so excited to read it! You reminded me that Thanksgiving is just about a week away - WOW!!!! That's so hard to believe, but I do love this time of year when all the trees are turning beautiful colours. I'm going to make sure I get out for some walks and car drives to enjoy them before they disappear.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Patterning Test Tomorrow!

Hi Class,

Well, I just lost the blog I wrote to you. Basically, it was just letting you know that you don't need to panic about the math test tomorrow. Don't forget, you get to use a number of strategies to help you, like using a calculator to help you guess and test a possible pattern, and using tables and charts, using colour coded arrows to show the patterns. The only strategy you can't use on a test is help from a partner. Don't forget to use the "To The Family" Lessons to help you study. Remember the best way to study math is to do similar problems. Finally, remember this is not the only mark that will go on your report card. You also have homework marks and your in-class work is evaluated too. Just as long as you try your best, that's all that matters.

Other homework reminders include:

1) Terry Fox Run is tomorrow, so bring in your "TWO"nie.

2) Yearbook covers are due Monday. Some more people are almost done.

3) Spelling #3 is due next WEDNESDAY which is SPELLING DAY.

4) If you have been absent, try to catch up. It may mean a few days of more than 45-60 minutes of homework per night.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy!!!

Tues., Sept. 26, 2006
Hi Class,
Lots of things going on and to keep up with, so here are your reminders...
1) First priority tonight will be complete the "Extending Growth Patterns" for tomorrow for math.
2) Do some of the "Lessons" about Input/Output Machines and Number Patterns as a way of studying/preparing for Thursday's Math Test on the patterning work we've been doing last week and this week.
3) Hopefully, your Spelling #2 Activities are all done, as you've had a whole week to do them and you should not have left them for the night before. Remember, WEDNESDAY is Spelling Day!
4) Then, some things you could be working on if you still have some time tonight is some of your English Workshop - vocabulary, response letters, reading.
5) You could also do a little work on your Yearbook Cover. Carli and Katie have pretty much finished theirs today and I know you'll agree with me that they look AWESOME!!
See you tomorrow,
Mrs. A.
P. S. The "Falcon" Spirit Group Leaders did a great job teaching us how to do "The Cotton-Eyed Joe" today for our 20 Minute Work Out. Thanks, Falcons!!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Ongoing Homework

Hi Class,

I'm a little bit late with our homework blog tonight as I had to take my son for his first set of Young Driver's of Canada Driver's Tests. Eek!! I hope he keeps calm, cool, and collected.

So, homework tonight is really just a set of ongoing work that will be due in the next few days or early next week, but should not be left till the last minute. If you don't do 45 - 60 minutes of homework per night, it will creep up on you and you will be left with hours of homework. Don't let this happen to you.

What are some of these upcoming items that you should be spending time on? Here they are:

1) Spelling #2 Homework and Test is on Wednesday. Remember, every Wednesday is Spelling Day!

2) Read your Auto/biography SQUIRT books and gather vocabulary words, find out their meanings, put them into your own sentences.

3) Plan your Reading Response Letter to me. Get a head start, so that when you come to class you're ready to go.

4) Gather magazine pictures for your Yearbook Cover. Start cutting them out. Yearbook Covers are due next Monday and there will only be a bit of in-class time to work on them, but Friday is a P. A. Day so you'll have a nice long weekend to have it ready for Monday.

5) Finally, we are having a Patterning Test on Thursday. We will be having a double Math Class tomorrow as we missed math today due to our amazing "Artist in the Classroom" visitor, Mr. Jeremie Giles.

So, as you can see, we've got a lot of ongoing projects. Don't leave things till the night before. Do a bit of some of these each night and then when they are finally due, it won't be overwhelming.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. A.

Friday, September 22, 2006

We've started our Yearbooks!!!

Hi Class,

Well, we were all pretty excited to start our Yearbook Covers today! Both of our Crestwood Co-op Students remember doing them. In fact, they both still have them at home. Sarah brought hers in today to share with the students and Lauren is bringing hers in on Monday. Unfortunately, we started them later than I expected so our month calendar in our Planner indicates that they are due Monday, but they are not. We've extended the due date to next Monday, October 2nd. This weekend, just keep looking for and cutting our magazine pictures for your collaged Cover.

The other homework includes the following:

1) Your Science Title Page GOOD COPY is due Monday. This is your last title page for a little while, so make this last one your best one!!

2) For Monday, you must make up one of your own recursive NUMBER patterns. Show the pattern rule using coloured arrows (pictures) and in words. Use your textbook if you think it will help - Glossary, Samples, Work we've already done, etc...

3) Keep reading those Auto/biographies and finding interesting vocabulary words.

4) Looks like you have some French to do for Monday too.

5) Don't forget that WEDNESDAY is SPELLING #2 DAY!!!

6) TERRY FOX RUN is Thurs., Sept. 8th!! Bring your "TWO"ie.

Well, I hope that helps you. Make sure you are using your Planner effectively by writing down everything off the Planning Board. Check all the schedules you glued in too!

Have a good weekend! See you Monday,

Mrs. A.

P.S. I sure hope Alexandra and Kayla are feeling better. We miss you! Also, Gordon. Hope you're doing well and that we'll see you Monday. We've missed you all week.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Open House Night!

Hi Class,

As I sit here to update our Homework Blog Spot, I can hear the enthusiastic sound of Grade 6 Leaders helped prepare for the BBQ. Way to go!!

Because of the Open House, there is only one real piece of homework that must be due for tomorrow - Friday, September 22nd. It is the following:

- Review your Lesson 2 Notes from your Grade 6 Math Text, pages 10 to 12 - especially EXPLORE - as you will have some more time tomorrow to work through those recursive patterns with your partner. Finally, be sure to complete #1 to 3 in the PRACTICE Section. Don't forget NOTEBOOK Expectations.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wacky Wednesday!

Hi Class,

Well, we made it through our first BIG Homework Night and most of you got all your work done. I knew you could do it. Remember to follow all Notebook Expectations. Neatness and organization COUNT!! PLAN THE WORK AND WORK THE PLAN!!!

So, as you know, you will normally have the whole week to complete all your Spelling Activities. So, now that we got through Spelling #1, you now have a whole week to prepare for Spelling #2. Just remember to read over your WEEK TIMETABLE you glued into your Planner. The month calendar is important to check everyday too. You should have glued that into your Planner too!! Every Wednesday will be SPELLING DAY so be prepared.

Homework for tonight is the following:

1) Complete question #5 on page 9 of your Math Text. Be sure to use pictures, numbers and words and communicate your answer clearly.

2) Read!!

3) As you read, consider some words you'd like to learn more about for Vocabulary. We will begin working on that tomorrow.

As Dylan would probably agree, "STEP by STEP we will get there together!!!"

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. A.

P.S. Don't forget to come in right off the bus tomorrow if you need to do some final finishing touches on your Space Ship. We want to show off everyone's for Open House tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Now the REAL Grade 6 Work Begins!

Hi Class,

Well, I think I've pretty easy with you so far regarding homework. Now, some of the heavy "stuff" begins. Tonight you have some English and Math Homework to do. Some important things to remember when sitting down to do homework are:

a) Schedule time for your homework or studying. Then find a quiet, secluded place with not distractions, no music, radio or TV, good overhead lighting, and a firm chair and table or desk.

b) Give yourself 45 - 60 minute block for concentrated homework time.

c) If you come to a question you do not know, ask someone at home to help you. If you can't do this, leave a space (enough room to go back and finish it later) and go onto the next question. You want to maximize your homework time.

So, here are your homework tasks for tonight:

1) Have your parents review your English Workshop Goal Sheet and sign it.

2) Complete all activities for Spelling #1. (It looks like a lot, but remember it's spread out over a number of pages, but Emily did it on Monday night and said it only took her about 15 minutes.)

3) Review page 6 in your M6 - Math Textbook - and read over page 7, but don't let it confuse you. We will go over it again tomorrow in class. Then starting on page 8 - PRACTICE - do questions #1 to #4.

You can do it!!

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. A.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Third Week of School Already!

Hi Class,

Way to go, Carly! You joined me on The Terry Fox Run on Sunday in Peterborough and we did 10 km! Awesome! The rest of the class will have an opportunity to support Terry and Cancer Research on Sept. 28th when we have our own North Cavan Terry Fox Event. Save your twonies!!!

Today's homework update:

1) Read over your Goal Sheet in your English Binder.

2) Look at your Spelling #1 List. Don't forget that in grade 6 we do not write in the workbooks. Then, they can be reused next year. Save money! Save paper and TREES!!!

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. A.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Awesome Leaders!

Hi Class,

Great leadership today, Grade 6s, during our Whole School 20 Minute Work Out! It really went smoothly because of your help with the younger children and your enthusiasm while we worked out to the Shuffle, Macarena & YMCA. Way to go!

Here's your weekend homework reminder:

Don't forget to finish up your survey of 10 adults about their jobs and how they use math. We will be sharing our results on Monday so make sure you come to school prepared.

Also, hopefully I will see some of you at Nichols Oval in Peterborough on Sunday at 8:00 am. My family has sponsored me to do the Terry Fox 10 km "Walk" and I'm going to try to do as many kms as I can, but I know that if I don't quite make it, I can finish it up on Sept. 28th when we will continue to "Walk" for Terry at school. So, if you can't make it on Sunday, don't worry, you'll get your chance to help fight cancer Sept. 28th at North Cavan. Just bring a twonie and "Walk" for Terry Fox then.

Have a safe and happy weekend and I'll see you on Monday.

Your teacher,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

English Title Pages!!

Hi Class,

Well, tomorrow is Friday, which means your English Title Page is due. I hope you've reviewed the title page rubric again!!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Rainy Day Wednesday

Hi Class,

Unfortunately our first full Gym class (outdoors because the gym is still not quite ready for us to use) got rained out. Our daily 20 Minute Kilometre Work Outs did too. Oh well, we did try seeing if we could push our desks to the edge of our class so that we'd be able to do a 20 Minute Work Out in our class sometimes and I think it's going to work! Yay!

So, here we go with homework updates...

1) Keep working on those English title pages, which are due Friday.

2) Keep surveying people as well about how they use math in their everyday jobs. That survey is due Monday.

3) Read!!!

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Kilometre KRAZY!!

Hi Class!

Wow! I am so proud of all those who are really trying to push their personal bests at the end of the day during our 20 Minute Kilometre Work Outs. You know who you are and should be very proud of yourselves! (Daniel! You are really running up a storm. Keep up the good work!) Your body will thank you later! I think some people need to challenge themselves more and you know who you are!

So, now for today's homework update...

1) Your ENGLISH Title Page GOOD COPY is due Friday. You have already completed 2 title pages and have your title page rubric in your yellow Health duotang, so you know what's expected. Keep pushing yourself to improve as I told you in class and I cancel out any poor grades you received if your English is better and if your upcoming Science title page is even better than that. YOU CAN DO IT!!

2) The other main homework item on our class Planning Board is about your "Math Uses" SURVEY. You have until Monday to survey 10 people, asking them what their job is and how they use math in their day-to-day jobs - USE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES!

3) You could also be thinking about your "brochures" too.

Get a good night's sleep and I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Mrs. A.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Second Week Already! Wow!!

Hi Class,

First I'd like to say thanks to Katie for her weekend comment. I'm only updating our class blogspot now - after school on Monday - but I did have a good time down East and on the weekend. Thanks again, Katie!

So, we took a moment today to think about all those affected by the 9, 11 Twin Towers Tragedy 5 years ago in New York City and we had a couple of special people drop by our room today to say HI!! Tommy Garrett and Derek Ketcheson came by. They were just heading home for some lunch and reminded us about how great it is to be able to go to school and be with our friends and classmates. It was so great to see them, although I admit I didn't recognize Derek. I don't think I've seen him since he was in Grade 6 many, many years ago.

Anyway, I better get to our homework update ...

For tomorrow, the only thing you have to have done is your rough copy English title page. You could also be asking people at home about how they use math in their every day life, as you will bringing home your a survey tomorrow and the next day.

Have a great evening class!

Mrs. A.

Friday, September 08, 2006

It's Friday!

Hi Class!

Well, we made it through the first week of school! I know it's the weekend but I need to remind you about your homework for Monday.

1) Your MATH Title Page - GOOD COPY - is due.
2) Your NAME LIMERICK rough copy only is due.

Thanks for the FUNNY Name Limerick you helped me make up about myself.....

There once was a teacher named Mrs. A.,
Who had lots of students and plenty to say.
When no longer she talked
The students were all shocked
And, finally they could go out to play!

Ha! Ha! Ha!

Have a good weekend!

See you on Monday,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Wow! Day Three!

Hi Class!

Three homework assignments on the third day!!!

What are they?

1) Make sure your Math Title Page rough copy is done. (Most of you already completed it in class already.)

2) Your RESPECT Title Page GOOD COPY is due tomorrow. Be sure to read over the Title Page Evaluation RUBRIC in your Health duotang!

3) Finally, don't forget to have your parents read over your "Notebooks" Evaluation sheet and then have them sign it.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. A.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Second Day of School

Wed., Sept. 6, 2006

Hi Class,

Thanks to those who commented on the first day blog. There sure are a lot of routines to learn when you start in a new grade / class. As Grade 6s we have even more information to handle because of all the leadership jobs we do around the school. If we keep working together, we'll do just fine.

So, for tonight your main homework is to complete your rough copy of your "Respect" Title Page and read over "Notebook Expectations" in your Physical and Health Education Notebook. Also, talk to your parents about some of our Terry Fox Plans.

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. A.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Welcome Back!


Glad you could find this site! Your first homework assignment is - read your newsletter! The magic phrase is "North Cavan's Grade Six Class Rocks!"

Mrs. A.