Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Are you keeping up with your work?

Hi Class,

We have a number of people in the APP Group. It would really be great to see some more join that group in preparation for next year. Be sure to ask questions, catch up from others, come in off the bus for a little extra help, etc... Keep learning how to help yourself. It's one of the most important lessons in life!

Here's your homework update:

ENGLISH - Keep working away at Spelling #21 for next Wednesday.

MATH - Finish up today's "Transformation" WORK.

SCIENCE - You could get a bit ahead and finish classifying your examples of motion into the four types of motion outlined in your Science book.

Any unfinished, unsigned work is still outstanding for a few people. YEARBOOKS are now 4 days late, unless you have a WORK OFF COUPON that you've negotiated with me.


Mrs. A.


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