Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Kilometre KRAZY!!

Hi Class!

Wow! I am so proud of all those who are really trying to push their personal bests at the end of the day during our 20 Minute Kilometre Work Outs. You know who you are and should be very proud of yourselves! (Daniel! You are really running up a storm. Keep up the good work!) Your body will thank you later! I think some people need to challenge themselves more and you know who you are!

So, now for today's homework update...

1) Your ENGLISH Title Page GOOD COPY is due Friday. You have already completed 2 title pages and have your title page rubric in your yellow Health duotang, so you know what's expected. Keep pushing yourself to improve as I told you in class and I cancel out any poor grades you received if your English is better and if your upcoming Science title page is even better than that. YOU CAN DO IT!!

2) The other main homework item on our class Planning Board is about your "Math Uses" SURVEY. You have until Monday to survey 10 people, asking them what their job is and how they use math in their day-to-day jobs - USE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES!

3) You could also be thinking about your "brochures" too.

Get a good night's sleep and I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Mrs. A.


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