Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Sunday, February 04, 2007

What a Cold Weekend!!

Hi Class,

Just a quick review of what you need to be prepared for tomorrow:

1) ENGLISH / SOCIAL STUDIES - How are those pictures, drawings, charts, maps, captions, etc. going for your Research Project? Due date is Tuesday!

2) Hope you've been practising your 2x and 3x tables and that you've completed and reviewed your number work on MULTIPLES, FACTORS, PRIME & COMPOSITE NUMBERS - Quiz Tomorrow!!

3) Maybe you had a chance to identify the main point / focus of the other 3 paragraphs in your "Electricity" Article and were able to highlight and record supporting information for each on your FLOW CHART. If you didn't, you'll have some time in the afternoon to do so.

4) We'll try to fit in our Health: Growth and Maturation "Parts" Test tomorrow too!

5) Get a good night's sleep, because tomorrow and the month of February is going to be BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!

Your Teacher,

Mrs. A.


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