Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Great DRAMA Work Today!

Hi Class,

Great Tableaux Work today! I'm so excited to see the HISTORICAL COURTROOM CASES come to life. Role playing is so much fun. When you "walk in the shoes" of another person, you can really let go of the world around you (e.g. the classroom, the gym, the school, etc.) and just BE someone else for a little while and LIVE somewhere else for a little while!

Here's your homework update:

1) MATH - Do as much of the "Multiplying by Powers of 10" work as you need to to make sure you have the pattern and can do it mentally. This is review work from the Fall. You just have to jog your memories again. The TEST tomorrow with have some of those types of questions, as well as some ORDER OF OPERATIONS, ROUNDING TO ESTIMATE, ADDITION & SUBTRACTION OF WHOLE NUMBERS AND DECIMALS, and SOME PROBLEMS TO SOLVE involving number work. Review what we've done over the last few weeks. Try a few questions as a way of studying.

2) SCIENCE - Keep reviewing and updating notes. Electricity TEST is next week.

3) DRAMA - Watch a "Court" TV show to get a better idea of how a Court Case works. It'll help you with your preparations for our Historical Court Cases on Monday.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.


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