Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Friday, March 30, 2007

Let's Support Cops for Cancer!!!!

Hi Class,

It's hard to believe it's that time of year again - COPS FOR CANCER / PEDALS FOR HOPE!! In about a month and a half, COPS FOR CANCER will be PEDALING up to North Cavan ready to bring their message of HOPE for KIDS with CANCER. We've got some good ideas started already, but brainstorm some more at home and bring in some more great ideas for Monday!!! Be sure to ask your parents about HEAD SHAVING, if you're interested. Don't forget that this is all voluntary, but what a GREAT CAUSE!!

Here's your homework update:

1) MATH - A little more division practice starting on page 74 of your textbook, # 1 to #7.

2) SETTING SNIPPETS - Absolutely must be done by the end of Monday. (Some in class time will be available, but after that it will be considered late!)

3) HEALTH - Healthy Eating Assignment must be submitted by the end of Monday too!! (NOTE: This due date has already been extended!)

4) Make sure your "Electricity" SCIENCE Notes are ready for peer and self evaluation on Wednesday!

5) Monday will be the beginning of a NEW READING/WRITING WORKSHOP! For SQUIRT Time, you will be able to read Adventure / Science Fiction / Nature stories. You will be able to choose from "Mrs. A.'s" Class Library, the School Library or from your own personal reading materials. Try to find one that's the "best fit" for you.

Have a good weekend!

See you Monday,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Division! Division! Division!

Hi Class,

Wow! Dividing can be tough! If you struggled with division in grade 5 and grade 4 and so on, hopefully one of the strategies we've been trying in class will help. Be sure to come in off the bus for extra help tomorrow morning if you still struggled with your homework.

Math Text - page 70 - 71, #1,2 and then #3,4, & 5.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What a "Springy" Day!

Hi Class,

Well, it certainly felt "Spring"-like out today! Let's hope the weather just keep going this way.

Here's your homework update:

1) ENGLISH - Don't forget that your 3rd Draft of your Setting Snippet must be done by Friday, along with your Visual Art work to go with it. (You will have time on Thursday morning and during Friday to work on it too, but just want to remind you.)

2) MATH - Do: Multiplying Decimals work in your math text, pages 149 & 150, # 1-7, for tomorrow.

3) HEALTH - Keep working on your Health Assignment. The due date has been extended to Mon., Apr. 2nd to give you the weekend to really do a good job. (Don't forget that this is an Integrated Assignment. It includes: Math (charts, graph, etc.), Art (poster), English (persuasive writing), and of course Health (learning about the Food Guide and the importance of eating well, especially during this stage of your life - PUBERTY).

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Hi Class,

Well, hope you've been working away on your HEALTHY EATING ASSIGNMENT - recording what you eat over a two-day period, making charts and graphs to show what you eat compared to what you are supposed to eat (compared to the recommendations on the new Canada's Food Guide), and making persuasive healthy eating posters. That really was the main homework - MATH / HEALTH /ENGLISH / ART all wrapped into one "tasty" treat!!!

See you Monday,

Mrs. A.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Back on Track for Third Term!

Hi Class,

I can't believe we are moving into our THIRD TERM! Time for all of us to really put a push on for the next 3 months. Using SCHEDULES / PLANNERS / BLOGSPOTS / etc... is definitely the way to keep on track.

You've had it pretty easy over the BREAK and yesterday in terms of homework and tonight is really not all that bad.

1) MATH - Try your best to complete questions 1 & 2 on page 174 of your Math Test about AVERAGES - MEAN, MEDIAN AND MODE! We'll spend tomorrow's class on it some more, but make sure you give tonight's work a good effort. Use the text lessons, glossary, etc. to help you.

2) ORAL READING FLUENCY - A couple of you volunteered to start reading your LEGEND/MYTH/TALE or children's story set in ANOTHER COUNTRY tomorrow. If you don't have a READ ALOUD story to read, look at home, use a class one or make sure tomorrow you get one at the library. Everyone will be reading one to the class in the next couple of weeks.

That's good enough for now.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.

Monday, March 05, 2007

What a blast today!

Hi Class,

Well, there was quite a BLAST of wind today, all day, but everyone still seemed to have a good time creating some pretty cool HEALTHY FOOD SNOW SCULPTURES!! Way to go!! Tobogganing on that slippery toboggan run looked like a BLAST too!

Tomorrow is ANIMAL DAY, and since we are the North Cavan ZOO Creatures, I sure hope everyone goes WILD!! Humphrey will be in the building, so that should be great fun for the primary grades. Humphrey even has a little gift for everyone in the school!


1) MATH - Complete the GRAPHING Sheets for tomorrow!! Even if you have Floor Hockey tomorrow, girls, you need to complete them. INTERPRETING GRAPHS TEST IS ON WEDNESDAY!!!

2) MUSIC - Make up 4 bars in 4/4 time, using a combination of quarter notes and eighth notes and quarter rests. You can use a half note and a whole note, but only once. The more difficult the rhythm pattern you create, and depending on how well you perform it, the better your grade.

See you tomorrow, all you WILD WACKY NORTH CAVAN ZOO KEEPERS,

Mrs. A.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Stirrin' Up a Storm!

Hi Class,

Wow! It's really blowin' around outside my house. Hope there's school tomorrow as I'm looking forward to having an Arts Focus Day!

Here's your homework update:

MAINLY MATH - Finish up the "Interpreting Data" Review Sheet

SOME FRENCH maybe too!!!???

Until we meet again,

Mrs. A.