Mrs. A.'s Grade 6 Class

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Welcome Back!

Hi Class,

Well, I hope you didn't have too much turkey on the weekend - GOBBLE, GOBBLE! It certainly was absolutely gorgeous outside, though, so I hope you got outside a little to enjoy it! Marissa and Briana have beautiful leaves to prove they were out there. Take in all those colours now as it won't be long before the leaves have all fallen.

So, here's the homework update...

1) For tomorrow, you have some math to do. It really is review of whole numbers and the place value chart and different forms of numbers - standard form, expanded form and word form. It's just that the jump from grade 5 to 6 is that instead of just working in the 100 000s, you've moved up into the 1 000 000s. So, here it is: In your M6 Text, read "Connect" starting on page 36, then on pages 37 and 38, do #1-8. Be sure to use the place value chart we set up today to help you.

2) You should be ready for Spelling #4 tomorrow because you had a whole week to work on it. (Don't leave Spelling till the night before, as you never know what other homework you'll have.) So, just practice you words for tomorrow's test.

3) Finally, most of you are almost done Step #1 - The Pre-writing Stage - for your "Autobiographical Brochure", but now you have a Tracking Sheet that you are to use as a Checklist, which will help take you through this Writing Assignment Step by Step. The Goal Date is: Thurs.., Oct. 12th.

See you tomorrow,

Mrs. A.


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